Women Empowerment Cell


The Vision and  mission of women Empowerment cell is to provide and maintain a venerable, affable working environment for women employees and students, where they can work, study and travel around their budding growth. 


  • To develop self confidence and create social awareness about facing the problems of women in a society   by organizing seminars and guest lectures.
  • To prevent sexual stalking and to create the awareness of health and hygiene of women.
  • Gender Sensitization and Awareness.


Mrs. S.VINOTHA, Assistant Professor/ECE

Mrs. S.VIGNESHWARI, Assistant Professor/ECE


Date Event name Resource person
15.08.2023 Independence Day Celebration Dr.B.Dora Arul Selvi, Principal
23.10.2023 Pooja Celebration Dr.B.Dora Arul Selvi, Principal
26.01.2024 Republic Day Dr.B.Dora Arul Selvi, Principal
12.01.2024 Pongal Celebration Dr.B.Dora Arul Selvi, Principal
08.03.2024 Women’s Day Celebration Mr.M.Manoharan Sub Inspector of Police, Tiruchengode.
15.08.2024 Independence Day Celebration Dr.S.Nirmala, Principal
07.10.2024 Pooja Celebration Dr.S.Nirmala, Principal