The NSS club makes the students to identify the needs and problems of the community and involve them in problem solving. It encourages students to actively participate in various development activities and contribute them to the welfare of society.


  • To develop the personality and character of students through social service.
  • To develop the capacity to meet emergencies and national disasters.
  • To practice national integration and social harmony.


V.KOWSALYA, Assistant Professor / MATHS


DateEvent nameResource person/Chief Guest
08.10.2022My vote is my Right Essay & Drawing CompetitionMrs.V.Nathiya,HOD/S&H
13.10.2022Ways and Means to Face/Protect DisasterMr.C.Sivakumar,AP/ EEE, MECW
27.10.2022Clean India 2.oThe Panchayat President, Mandahapalayam
01.12.2022Awareness Programme on How to Face Teen-age ProblemsMrs.Baby Priscilla, MBA
02.12.2022Basic Life Support Methods with 108 AmbulanceMr.A.Jaganathan,District Cordinator, EKAM Foundation,Namakkal.
15.12.2022Yoga Awareness ProgrammeShiney Sophia, Physical Directress, Mahendra Arts and Science College
25.01.2023National Voters Day Pledge_
09.02.2023Health Awareness in AdolescentsDr.M.Vijayalakshmi, Consultation Obstetrician,Thoothukudi.