Centre of Excellence
Centre Of Excellence On Secure Access Service Edge (SASE)
Department : CSE
Chair Person : Prof. Dr. BERNHARD GLUCK, Senior Experten service, Germany
Inauguration : Centre of Excellence in Secure Access Service Edge
Date : 7th December 2022
Co-Ordinators : Dr. A.Kanchana, HoD / CSE, Mrs.S.V.Rajeswari AP/CSE & Ms.M.Gomathi AP/CSE
- SASE Center of Excellence (CoE) is a team consisting of technical experts that advises, guides, and oversees SASE related projects in an organization.
- To authenticate and securely connect to internal resources from anywhere, and gives organizations better control over the data traffic.
- To create the awareness among the students and faculty members about the digital threats imposed in today’s digital era.
- To help modernize networks and security to keep up with the ever-evolving business requirements
- To empower the society to fight against and to secure themselves from the harmful incidents caused online, by training them in the field of SASE.
- To improve students competency in the employment opportunities offered in SASE.
- To motivate faculty members and students to publish technical papers in journals.
- The emerging technologies in SASE will improve and make secure digital world.
- To promote learning activities to enrich the knowledge of the students.
- Standardize and automate commonly needed platform components and solutions over time.
- To develop security oriented solution using inspired technological innovation to address today’s business needs.
Centre Of Excellence On Parallel Reality
Department : EEE
Chair Person : Prof. Dr. BERNHARD GLUCK, Senior Experten service, Germany
Inauguration : Center of Excellence in Parallel Reality
Date : 06.12.2022
Co-Ordinators : Dr.K.G.Srinivasan, AP/EEE &; Mr.S.Gopikrishnan, AP/ECE
- To Advanced optical design.
- To Make Precision spatial calibration.
- Achieve High performance parallel computation.
- Real-time environmental modeling tools.
- To display sign, signals lights to be more effective by simultaneously showing different things to different people and places.
- To make content in each viewer’s language.
- Make Advertising is targeted to each viewer’s needs interests, behavior and surroundings.
- Provide all information (such as gate number on a flight board) is relevant to each viewer.
- Make Messaging and signals on roadways are specific to each zone, lane, and vehicle.